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A great avenue to share my inspirations of the plant world and what is happenings here at Bella Botanica....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fresh Burdock Root is in!!!

Autumn is barely holding on to its last whispers of color, and with the rain today many trees are now bare. It is a perfect time to harvest roots - before the frost and when the plant's energy has moved down into the earth.

We are excited for the fall harvesting and shipment of fresh Burdock, which we have just finished making into an herbal extract!

Burdock (Articum lappa) is in the Asteraceae family and is a biennial plant that reaches up to 6-7 feet high. In its first year, the plant grows heart shaped leaves that form a basal rosette, the second year it flowers into globular, rose-colored thistle flowers with hooked bracts. With a common name like Beggar's button, it is easy to image how these seed heads were used like actual buttons securing woolen wraps together in the cold countryside. Actually, the burrs are so effective at binding together that they inspired the creation of Velcro!

These medicinal roots grow straight and deep into the ground, sometimes reaching nearly three feet down.

A clearing tonic herb, the roots as well as the seeds are most popularly used therapeutically. Burdock is notably beneficial to the skin, is classified as an alterative and diurectic, and is purifying to the blood. Also high in antioxidants and a stimulating bitter, Burdock gets the gastric juices moving to aid digestion and assists to clear up catabolic buildup. With large amounts of inulin and mucilage in the roots, its soothing effect also helps the gastrointestinal system and mucus membranes. In Asian grocery stories, you can find fresh Burdock root under the name "Gobo" – it makes a wonderful addition to salads or chopped up and sautéed in a stir-fry (as you would carrots). You can also dry the roots and store them for decoctions later (1 tbsp per cup) or extract them with organic alcohol for an excellent home-remedy herbal extraction.

Burdock is available in our online store at
Bella Botanica: Burdock.

Holiday Gift Baskets

Making Holiday Gift Baskets
Bella Botanica's Events Update

Saturday, December 3rd from 12pm-5pm.
Eugene, OR
Cost $55 + materials

Days are getting darker now and amazingly the holidays are around the corner. For those of you who want to give a more personal touch to your gift giving, join me for an afternoon of Making Holiday Gift baskets. We will dive into making
luxurious lotions, stellar salt scrubs, and kissable lip balms for our family, friends, and just maybe ourselves. Everyone will come home with gifts to share and the basic knowledge of how to make these skin care creations at home.
For more info visit Bella Botanica Classes.

Class space is limited so please email to reserve your spot immediately.

Liisa Korpela

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fresh Valerian Root is in!

Fresh Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) roots have arrived from Pacific Botanicals Farm in Grants Pass, OR. Valerian, in the Valerianacae family, is a perennial plant that reaches 4-5 feet tall with pinnate, toothed leaves growing in clumps of 7-10 pairs each with white to pink tubular cluster flowers. The roots and rhizomes are harvested after they are 3 years old or more. These beautiful milky white roots with their distinct floral or "stinky" aroma (well to some it is stinky, I find the odd smell attractive) saturate the apothecary with its presence. We took these fresh roots, chopped them up, and then made them into an herbal extract with organic sugar cane alcohol and purified water. In a few months, we will press this extract and then it's ready for use. Valerian is a slightly warming herb with a powerful sedative and antispasmodic effect. This works wonders for calming one’s insomnia, sleeplessness, exhaustion, irritability, muscular tension, and cramps. Please note that this extract can cause drowsiness, so it is best to not mix with sedatives or antidepressants. To use in tea put 2 teaspoons of dried root in a cup of water and steep for 10-15 minutes or longer. Because of its potent volatile oils, you do not make your regular decoction for roots that are simmered, but simply steep this one. For the herbal extract, take 10-60 drops 1-4 times a day. As always consult your health care practitioner before starting to take dietary supplements.

(These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drub Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)