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A great avenue to share my inspirations of the plant world and what is happenings here at Bella Botanica....

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

RootsTalk 2011

A "Celebration of Plants, People and the Planet"
Natural Skin Care; Beauty from the Earth
The Spirit of Herbalism
September 22-25th, 2011
Salem, OR

I am honored to be invited to the first annual RootsTalk festival, "a unique celebration of plants, people and planet" sponsored by Mountain Rose Herbs as a benefit for Casadia Wildlands.You can find
me teaching on Friday, Natural Skin Care: Beauty from the Earth and Saturday an HerbWalk on The Spirit of Herbalism. Bella Botanica will also have a booth there sharing our Fall 2011 product line. We look forward to connecting with those that can attend. Hope to see you there!

To find out more go to www.rootstalkfest.com

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately I can't attend, but will their be any videos online of the event? It sounds awesome!
